Breakdown Cover

When comparing Breakdown Cover it’s really important to select the right cover for you. The cheapest package may not always the best option but on the other hand you may not need full cover either. We have compiled this page which not only includes all the latest and best deals, but is packed full of details to help you make the right choice.

*** DEALS ***

What is breakdown cover
On hand 24 hours a day and 365 days a year, you are only a phone call away if your car fails to start or you get a flat tyre for example.

If in the event of a breakdown, you simply need to get in touch with your breakdown provider and they will send a trained patrol as quickly as possible.

Most issues can be fixed by the roadside, however in the event that it can’t they will always offer a solution. This can involve towing your car and taking your passengers to a local garage or in some cases you can opt to be taken to any UK destination.

The options available will depend on which level of cover you have purchased. So, it’s important to select a package that will meet your needs.

Types of Cover

Personal cover
This covers a designated person and means you are covered for whatever car you are driving or are a passenger in. This option means you are always protected in any event.

Vehicle Cover
This covers the actual vehicle, no matter who is driving. At the time of ordering you will be asked to supply the cars number plate details.

Breakdown cover options

Roadside Rescue
This is the most basic cover normally available. A patrol will attend and aim to fix your vehicle by the roadside.

National Recovery
If the breakdown patrol is unable to repair your vehicle at the roadside they will take you, your vehicle and up to 8 other people to any UK destination.

At Home Cover
Most breakdowns happen at home! You can protect yourself from this by selecting this option. A patrol will come to your home and you can even book a time that suits you.

Other options are available but these are the most popular ones. When buying a policy full details of what is included will be shown in the key facts document.

Payment options

Spread the cost of your policy by paying each month. Payment is taken by direct debit and can help with budgeting. This option can sometimes work out a little more expensive than if you were to pay upfront for a year.

Make one payment today using a credit or debit card and you will be covered for the next year. Paying in this way tends to offer the best value.